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Windy uses a default theme under the hood to provide you a concise, but still flexible styling experience. This is the default customization:

{  badge: {    color: "gray",    rounded: "full",    size: "sm",    shadow: "sm",    pointer: false,  },  button: {    layout: "contained",    color: "indigo",    size: "md",    shadow: "md",    gradient: true,    rounded: "md",  },  dropdown: {    size: "md",    color: "indigo",    layout: "contained",    shadow: "md",    rounded: "md",    caret: true,    gradient: true,  },  checkbox: {    color: "indigo",    shadow: true,    rounded: true,    gradient: true,  },  input: {    fullWidth: false,    color: "gray",    shadow: "md",    rounded: "md",    size: "md",  },  radio: {    color: "indigo",    shadow: true,    gradient: true,  },
  select: {    color: "gray",    rounded: "md",    shadow: "md",  },  modal: {    showCloseButton: true,    color: "white",    size: "md",    rounded: "md",    overlayGradient: false,  },  panel: { layout: "default" },  media: {    position: "start",    size: "sm",    align: "start",  },  loader: { color: "indigo", type: "circle" },  avatar: {    size: "md",    rounded: "full",    color: "gray",    stroke: "md",    shadow: "none",    layout: "image",  },  carousel: {},  table: { color: "indigo" },};

You can edit and pass it to the WindyProvider component that is enclosing your root components, using the prop theme.

import { WindyProvider } from "@webeetle/windy";import myTheme from "./myTheme.js";ReactDOM.render(  <WindyProvider theme={myTheme}>    <App />  </WindyProvider>,  document.getElementById("root"));

after added WindyProvider you are ready to code!